Zhang Xigui
Shanxi, China
Grandmaster Zhang Xigui hold a high rank of 9th Duan issued by the Chinese Wushu Association, and he currently hold the position as the Vice-Director of the Ranking and Certification Committee of the World Fighting Martial Arts Federation. Grandmaster Zhang served as the head coach of the Shanxi Province Wushu Team and the president of Shanxi Xingyiquan Research Institute. He was the creator and chief-editor for the standardized competition forms book series "Chinese Xingyiquan - Intermediate Level" and "Chinese Xingyiquan - Advanced Level." He is recognized as one of the "Chinese Wushu One-Hundred Talented Martial Artists." 张希贵大师现任世界武术搏击联盟段位认证委员会副主任,曾任山西省武术协会副主席,山西省形意拳协会常务副主席兼秘书长。 自幼习武,随名师郝学儒、布学宽、申子荣、沙国政、李三元、李桂昌、赵永昌、王鸿、杨吉生等学习武艺,精长拳、短拳、形意、太极、八卦等。曾数十次组织举办全省、全国乃至国际形意拳及传统武术比赛。 经他训练的运动员有40多人次代表国家出访亚、非、拉、美等地访问表演。 著作有《浑元散手拳》、《迎手鞭杆技击法》、《浑元形意拳》等。被国家体委和中国武协授予“国家武术裁判”、“全国武术挖掘整理工作先进个人”、“新中国体育开拓者”和“当代中华武林百杰”等称号。 张希贵自幼随名师郝学儒老师学练少林拳、械,后随名师申子荣先生学习“浑元功法”等。五、六十年代接受过布学宽、宋铁麟等老拳师的指点,尤其受到云南省武术协会主席沙国政的长时间的指导。因此,集百家之长,融会贯通,自成风格,受邀参与创编并主笔国家形意拳规定竞赛套路《中级拳》、《高级拳》。 Grandmaster Zhang Xigui received special contribution plaque awarded by the WFMAF, presented by Professor Gulong and George Masone