Modern Wushu

Rules for Modern Wushu

General Rules

  • Maximum performance time for all Wushu forms is 1:20 minutes; minimum performance time 30 seconds.
  • Salute to the judges upon entering ring, then announce to the chief judge your name and the form you will be performing.
  • Once an age group is announced to perform, the cut off time for competitors at that age group to enter the competition is 5 minutes.
  • All Wushu forms are scored based on hand technique, stance, stepping, structure,  jumping, balance, power, coordination, spirit, rhythem, and speed.

Wushu Styles

  • Changquan (Long Fist) & Nanquan (Southern Fist)

Movement Specifications (6 Points)

  • One-tenth of a point is deducted for any occurrence of a slight inconformity with the technical specifications for any hand form, stance, hand technique, footwork, leg technique, jumping, balance and apparatus technique. An apparent inconformity costs 0.2 point, and a serious inconformity costs 0.3 point. The number of the appearances of sword-finger is counted only in fixed postures (drunken swordplay also needs sword-finger). Deduction of points is made only once in a total, and is not more than 0.3 point. If several errors occur in a single movement, the deduction should not be more than 0.3 point.
  • If the contestant lets the sharp edge of the sword or broadsword touch the hand, arm, body or leg when holding and waving the apparatus, he /she is penalized as if committing any inconformity with the specifications. If the contestant mixes the use of sword with that of the broadsword, he/she is penalized for the unclear use of apparatus.

Power and Coordination (2 Points)

  • Full points (two points) are given to the contestant who performs with full power smoothly and accurately and with clear-cut, coordinated hand, eye and body movements (apparatus and body must also be coordinated).
  • For a slight inconformity with the specifications, 0.1-0.5 point is deducted; for an apparent inconformity, 0.6-1.0 point is deducted, and for a serious inconformity, 1.1-2.0 points is deducted.

Spirit, Rhythm, and Speed (2 Points)

  • One-tenth to five-tenths of a point is deducted for a slight inconformity to the requirements, 0.6-1.0 point is deducted for an apparent inconformity and 1.1-2.0 points is deducted for a serious inconformity.


  • Beginner Under Belts: 6 – 7.5 points
  • Intermediate Under Belts: 7 – 8.5 points
  • Advanced Under Belts: 8.5 – 10 points

Additional Rules

  • Unfinished routine – competitors of any event  leave the area of competition midway with the routine unfinished shall not be scored.
  • Forgetfulness – each occurrence of last memory shall result in a deduction of 0.1-0.3 according to the severity of the case. A subsequent pause affecting the rhythm of the movements shall result in a deduction of 0.1; a long pause 0.2; and pause leading to confused movements in a deduction of 0.3 point.
  • Weapon tangle/cut in the uniform, or touching the floor (if is recognized as not a part of the technique) shall result in a deduction of 0.1 point for each occurrence.
  • Dropping weapon/s on the ground shall result in a deduction of 0.5 point.
  • Loss of balance, tripping, shall result in a deduction of 0.1 for each occurrence, and a subsequent fall to the ground in deduction of 0.5 point.
  • Restarting routine – shall result deduction of 1 point 
  • A competitor whose performance of the routine is interrupted by uncontrollable circumstances may repeat it with the head judge’s approval without point deduction!