Master Jack Guo serves as a judge at the US Open Martial Arts Championship

Wudang kungfu Academy under the sole instruction of Master Jack Guo officially opened its door in June 2008.Students and parents were trilled with the results. With the deepened commitment to every student, Master Jack has dedicated himself to teaching all that kungfu has to offer. Master Jack has been spending his life training,competing and performing. His high energy personality and live for Wushu, teaching and his students make Master Jack and his academy a wonderful place for the students at all skills levels. Studying Kungfu and Wudang Kungfu Acadmey is to learn all that Chinese martial arts can teach you.

Master Jack’s interests are also scholarly study of Wushu. He authored, published and won first prizes on two themes on the compilation of 21st Century of Chinese Sports entitled”On three forms of Martial Arts and Health”and “the Roles of Kungfu routines on the science of Kungfu Arrangement”. In 2004,Master Jack became a full time instructor in Aiping Taichi and Wu Dang Kungfu Academy. Master Jack brought the Lion Dance performance in 2005 and then established the Lion Dance Team in 2006 and his dynamic Wushu choreography to all performances including that of “Mid Autumn Festival”.

Master Jack as our students call him,was born in Henan Province in China,begins his martial arts training under his father in Shaolin. He has spent his life studying martial arts in all that it has to offer not only a form of self defense but also as way to teach focus, disciplines,self respect and team work. At the age of eight, Master Jack entered into the esteemed Henan Changyuan School of Martial Arts to begin his training. He competed in Kungfu tournaments in Henan Province and won numerous championships. In 1989 he was chosen by the special kungfu division of Beijing Police Department and received intensive training of self defense and hand-to-hand techniques. Master Jack was also a member of their high level performance team and competed in numerous nation wide tournaments at the professional level. Among his achievements are National Champion in Daoshu(Broad Sword Technique),Gunshu(Staff Technique),Chang Quan(Long Fist) and Duilian(Fight Techniques).

In 1996, Master Jack began his training in Wu Dang System which enabled him to become an unique force in Kungfu by mingling the styles of Shaolin, Wu Dang and contemporary Wushu.

In 1999, Master Jack became a member of Disney World Company which brought him to the U.S. He was certified by the Wu Dang Wushu Association as the First Degree instructor and the certified First Degree Judge. In 1996 he was the National Champion in Broadsword and Staff,in 1999,he was again the Staff Champion and added the Long Fist Champion to his list of accomplishments. In 2002 Master Jack won the Gold Medal in Broadsword and Staff at World Wushu Championship.

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