General Rules

  • There Is No Age Limit for Grinding Hands Competitors.
  • If there are less than 2 competitors in an age group, the judges reserve the right to combine age groups.
  • Competitors should wear boxing gloves, t-shirt, long pants, and shoes. No jewelry or watches.
  • Competitors begin facing off with gloved hands touching, referees must signal to begin.
  • Prohibited Techniques: Surprise attacks without the establishment of contact with opponent. Striking (punching, kicking, elbowing, head budding, or kneeing)

Duration of Bout

  • Each bout is 1 round of 90 seconds.

The winner of the bout is determined by

  • Competitor with the most scores.
  • If, after 90 seconds, the scores between two competitors are a tie, a time extension is given. The winner is determined when one competitor is the first to win an additional point during the time extension.

Point Scoring

  • 1 point given to the competitor if his/her opponent’s one hand touches the ground.
  • 1 point given to the competitor if his/her opponent’s falls off balance due to execution of technique.
  • 1 point given to the competitor if his/her opponent’s one foot steps outside the ring.
  • 2 points given to the competitor if his/her opponent’s two hands touch the ground.
  • 2 points given to the competitor if his/her opponent’s two feet step outside the ring.
  • 2 points given to the competitor if his/her opponent falls on the ground.
  • No point is awarded if the competitor pulls or drags an opponent to the ground while falling.


  • Using “Prohibited Techniques” against the opponent.
  • Using performance-enhancing drugs prior or during the bout.
  • Disrespecting the referee, judges, or the opponent.
  • Disregards the instructions of the referee and the judges.
  • The referee has the right to disqualify a competitor from the bout or competition if:
    • The competitor receives 3 or more warnings from the referee.
    • The competitor engages in unsportsmanlike conducts.
    • The competitor injures his/her opponent using prohibited techniques or attacks to the no contact area, depending on the seriousness of the injury.
  • The referee has the right to stop the contest if:
    • There is a big gap in the skill level between the 2 competitors. The competitor with the skill advantage wins the bout.
    • A competitor is injured as a result of a legal maneuver, depending on the seriousness of the injury. The opponent wins the bout.
  • Courtesy Rule: Salute to the judges first and then competitors salute to each other before the bout begins. After the bout finishes, salute to the judges again and then competitors salute to each other.

Weight Classes

  • Featherweight (145 lbs & Under)
  • Lightweight (146 – 155 lbs)
  • Welterweight (156 – 170 lbs)
  • Middleweight (171 – 185 lbs)
  • Light Heavyweight (186 – 205 lbs)
  • Heavyweight (206 lbs & Above)
  • Youth groups 17 yrs & under are not categorized by weight.
  • If there are less than 2 competitors in an age group, the judges reserve the right to combine age groups.