US Capitol Classics


National Harbor, Maryland, USA

We are proud to present the 33nd Annual US Capitol Classics (NASKA 6A Rated!), and we welcome you to the Nation’s Capital. Since its inception, the “Classics” has grown steadily and is considered to be among the most prestigious tournaments in the nation. It is an arena where martial artists compete in a family friendly environment and showcase their strong and graceful martial skills, and vie for more than $50,000 in cash and awards!

The Classics also provides a great opportunity to meet some of the stars of the Kung Fu and Karate world and see the current champs on the North American Sport Karate Association (NASKA) and International Sport Karate Association (ISKA) circuits. To win an event in the US Capitol Classics is an honor! Top national promoters and experienced officials adhering to the highest standards of competitive judging ensure that honor. But, just as important, the professionalism of the Classics guarantees a smooth, efficient, and fair event that allows everyone to feel like a winner. MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW to be at this year’s competition – an event where you will be part of the greatest display of martial arts talent ever assembled.

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