Grandmaster Art E. Eng is a master of Wing Chun Kung Fu, 3rd generation disciple in the Yip Man lineage, and recognized under the Ving Tsun Athletic Association in Hong Kong as a Master Instructor. Grandmaster Eng is a 6th degree black belt in Tang Soo Do, spending 12 years with Jae C. Shin and receiving his master’s title under Grand Master Yang. He is also proficient in the art of Yoshinkan Aikido spending numerous years studying and 2 years as an assistant instructor under Master Utada. With over 40 years of martial arts experience and numerous awards, Master Eng is one of the most accomplished masters of the decade and the region. He is also a certified instructor of Siljun DoBup under Master Jin K. Seong. Master A. Eng is also a recognized Level 3 teacher in Amara Arkanis Systemang Praksyon Arnis de Mano.
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