Rules for Nunchaku Sparring

General Rules

  • Nunchaku will be provided to the competitors at the competition.
  • Competitors can choose to have either 1 nunchaku or 2.
  • There Is No Age Limit for Long Weapon Sparring Competitors.
  • If there are less than 2 competitors in an age group, the judges reserve the right to combine age groups.
  • Competitors are categorized by age, not by weight classes.
  • If there are less than 2 competitors in an age group, the judges reserve the right to combine age groups.
  • Mandatory Safety Equipments: Head gear with face protector, neck protector, and groin protector for men.
  • No Contact Areas: groin.
  • Prohibited Techniques: punching, takedowns, or joint locks.
  • Fighters should demonstrate power, accuracy, speed, and good defense.
  • Referee stops and restarts the fight if one or both competitors fall on the ground, or one or both weapons fall on the ground. 

Duration of Bout

  • Each bout is 1 round of 2 minutes.

Scoring Points

  • 2 points for strikes to the head or body and opponent cannot retaliate in short time with nunchaku.
  • 1 point for strikes to the arm and/or hand or leg and opponent cannot retaliate in short time with nunchaku.
  • No points scored if strikes are mutually exchanged i.e. “double kill”
  • No points scored with kicking

The Winner of the Bout is Determined By

  • The winner is the competitor with the most points at the end of the bout.
    • When points are scored the bout will be paused and competitors will return to their starting positions


  • Attacking with excessive force.
  • Attacking to the “No Contact” areas.
  • Using “Prohibited Techniques” against the opponent.
  • Using performance-enhancing drugs prior or during the bout.
  • Disrespecting the referee, judges, or the opponent.
  • Disregards the instructions of the referee and the judges.
  • The referee has the right to disqualify a competitor from the bout or competition if:
    • The competitor receives 3 or more warnings from the referee.
    • The competitor engages in unsportsmanlike conducts.
    • The competitor injures his/her opponent using prohibited techniques or attacks to the no contact area, depending on the seriousness of the injury.
  • The referee has the right to stop the contest if:
    • There is a big gap in the skill level between the 2 competitors. The competitor with the skill advantage wins the bout.
    • A competitor is injured as a result of a legal maneuver, depending on the seriousness of the injury. The opponent wins the bout.
  • Courtesy Rule: Salute to the judges first and then competitors salute to each other before the bout begins. After the bout finishes, salute to the judges again and then competitors salute to each other.